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多米尼加共和国被大西洋和加勒比海环绕,以其一流的海滩、度假村和高尔夫球场而闻名。但它也提供了大量美丽、充满异国情调的城镇。让本土模特兼网红 RUBY 带您四处参观。 鲁比充满活力、可爱又优雅,她知道自己的人生走向,在 HEGRE 的第 1047 部电影中,她将带您踏上市中心的感性之旅。包括性感服装试穿和亲密的感官按摩。随后沿着海滩漫步并进行全裸游泳。 充满异国风情且迷人,我们诚邀您来一睹加勒比世界的秘密。我们保证您会喜欢它的每一分钟。
Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, the Dominican Republic is known for its superb beaches, resorts and golfing. But it also offers a great number of beautiful, exotic towns and cities. Let native model and influencer RUBY show you around.
ATHLETIC, LOVELY AND ELEGANT, Ruby knows where she’s heading in life and in HEGRE’s 1047th movie she takes you on a sensual trip downtown. Including a sexy outfit try-on haul and an intimate sensual massage. Followed by a stroll along the beach and an all nude swimming session.
Exotic and charming, we invite you to a secret glimpse of the Caribbean world. And we promise you’ll love every minute of it.
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