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在这部精致的新片中,更好地认识优雅的空姐 Iris。 凭借洋娃娃般的五官和优美修长的四肢,这位火焰般的长发美女令人赏心悦目。是什么让她如此迷人?她噘起的嘴唇?她的瓷器肤色?那双蓝色的大眼睛?还是她完美的女性曲线? 无论是什么,当相机从头到脚捕捉 Iris 的美丽时,我们都忍不住要多看几眼。 所以来和 Iris 一起去她的酒店房间吧,你不想错过她!
Get to know elegant air stewardess Iris better in this exquisite new film.
With her doll-like features and graceful long limbs, this flame haired beauty is a pleasure to watch. What is it that makes her so mesmerizing? Her full pouting lips? Her porcelain complexion? Those big baby blue eyes? Or her perfectly formed feminine curves?
Whatever it is we can’t help enjoying taking a longer look as the camera captures Iris’s beauty from head to toe.
So come and join Iris in her hotel room, you don’t want to miss her!
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