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我们都知道丑小鸭成长为美丽天鹅的故事。 但在 Hegre.com,我们可以做得更好:Yulia 确实是一个相当普通的小女孩 - 但是,哇,她已经成为乌克兰最美丽的天鹅。为了给这个故事增加另一个有趣的层次,Luba 和 Yulia 小时候是朋友,住在同一个街区。 我们很幸运有 Yulia。她在最好的俱乐部担任脱衣舞女郎,自然卷的头发和精灵般的亚洲面孔,她具有异国情调的外表,让顾客夜复一夜地回来看她。她对模特也不陌生,之前曾拍过裸照,甚至出现在 Perfect 10 中。 Yulia说她现在对男孩不感兴趣,更在意的是活出青春,玩得开心!
We all know the story about the ugly duckling who grows up to be a beautiful swan.
BUT HERE at Hegre.com we can better that: Yulia was really a rather plain little girl - but, wow, she has become the most gorgeous swan in the Ukraine. To add another intriguing layer to the story, Luba was friends with Yulia when they were children and lived in the same neighborhood.
We are lucky to have Yulia. She works as a strip dancer in the best clubs and with her naturally curly hair and pixie Asian face, she has the exotic looks that brings the customers back to see her night after night. She is no stranger to modeling either, having posed nude before and was even featured in Perfect 10.
Yulia says she's not interested in boys right now and is much more concerned with living out her youth and having fun!
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