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April 出生于美国弗吉尼亚州,但过去 7 年一直住在纽约市。她在模特界的突破发生在 17 岁那年,当时她被著名摄影师 Rankin 拍到参加全国广告牌宣传活动。她还与无可争议的裸体摄影“疯狂火车”特里·理查森 (Terry Richardson) 合影。 April 精力充沛,认真对待保持思想、身体和精神的健康。她每周参加几次普拉提和瑜伽课程,在中央公园跑步,并严格控制饮食。虽然你总能在她的钱包里找到“能量棒”来帮助她保持活力!她的辛勤工作肯定会得到回报,因为她拥有惊人的健美身材。 金发碧眼的四月真的是纽约成功女性的完美典范。
April was born in Virginia, USA but has been living in New York City for the past 7 years. Her modeling breakthrough came at the age of 17, when she was photographed by the celebrated photographer Rankin for a national billboard campaign. She has also done a photo shoot with the undisputed ‘crazy train’ of nude photography, Terry Richardson.
April has bags of energy and is serious about keeping mind, body and spirit in shape. She attends Pilates and yoga classes several times a week, runs in Central Park and follows a strict diet. Although you will always find an ‘energy bar’ in her purse to help her maintain her vitality! Her hard work certainly pays off as she has an amazingly toned body.
Blonde April really is the perfect example of a successful New York woman.
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