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귀하의 편의를 위해 일부 의견은 귀하가 선택한 언어로 자동 번역되었습니다. 자동 번역된 댓글에서 "원본 표시"를 클릭하면 원본을 읽을 수 있습니다.
다음은 6000픽셀 이미지 샘플입니다. /updates/free_tour_gsamples/66_6000.jpg http://www.hegre.com/updates/free_tour_gsamples/67_6000.jpg http://www.hegre.com/updates/free_tour_gsamples/68_6000.jpg http://www.hegre. com/updates/free_tour_gsamples/69_6000.jpg
다음은 1200px 이미지 VS를 보여주는 비교입니다. 6000px 이미지. <a href="http://nudes5.hegre.com/" target="_blank">http://nudes5.hegre.com/</a>
Here are some 6000pixel image samples: http://www.hegre.com/updates/free_tour_gsamples/5_6000.jpg http://www.hegre.com/updates/free_tour_gsamples/6_6000.jpg http://www.hegre.com/updates/free_tour_gsamples/66_6000.jpg http://www.hegre.com/updates/free_tour_gsamples/67_6000.jpg http://www.hegre.com/updates/free_tour_gsamples/68_6000.jpg http://www.hegre.com/updates/free_tour_gsamples/69_6000.jpg
and here is a comparison showing a 1200px image VS. the 6000px images. <a href="http://nudes5.hegre.com/" target="_blank">http://nudes5.hegre.com/</a>