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我们从哪里开始? Sylwia 拥有如此完美的胸围和完美的比例,当 Petter Hegre 与她在波兰的经纪人交谈并询问她是否可能经过手术增强时,她的经纪人说不,不,不,并向他保证 Sylwia 是真实的。但是她的头发,肯定……?不不不。好吧,照片不言而喻。 年仅 22 岁的她就已经出现在杂志的大型宣传活动中,并出现在欧洲各地的时装秀上。目前她不想住在巴黎或米兰,喜欢在模特工作结束后回到家人和熟悉的地方。她最满意的是和她最好的朋友多米尼卡在华沙工作。 秀丽修长的身材,迷人的笑容,以及即将到来的纽约之行,很难想象西尔维亚会永远留在波兰。
Where do we begin?
SYLWIA HAS such a perfect bust and such perfect proportions, when Petter Hegre spoke to her agent in Poland and asked if she may have been surgically enhanced her agent said no, no, no, and assured him that Sylwia is for real. But her hair, surely…? No, no, no. Well, the photographs speak for themselves.
Already at 22, she had appeared in major campaigns for magazines and on catwalks all over Europe. At present she has no desire to live in Paris or Milan, and likes to get back home to her family and familiar haunts when her modeling assignments are over. She is most content working in Warsaw with her best friend Dominika.
With her beautiful, long slim figure, a stunning smile, and a trip to New York hovering on the horizon, it is hard to imagine that Sylwia will stay in Poland forever.
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