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Jennipher 最近入围委内瑞拉小姐竞争激烈的决赛。 住在加拉加斯,当她穿着短迷你裙、牛仔靴和紧身上衣出现在托斯卡纳的拍摄现场时,她给 Petter Hegre 留下了深刻的印象,就像刚从牧场走出来的人一样。在意大利中部穿着这样的衣服肯定会吸引一些人的注意,但 Jennipher 却很正直地把它装出来,就像她什么都没注意到一样。 就像凉爽多雾的早晨里一只优雅的母鹿,她按照自己的步调穿过相机框架,停下来捕捉完美的图像。她深绿色的眼睛与她橄榄色的皮肤和深棕色的头发形成迷人的对比,使她精心雕刻的身体散发出迷人的魅力。 说 Jennipher 充满异国情调是一种完全轻描淡写的说法,根本不公平。难怪她有自己的。
Jennipher was a recent finalist in the highly competitive competition for Miss Venezuela.
LIVNING IN Caracas, she made quite an impression on Petter Hegre when she showed up to a shoot in Tuscany wearing a short mini-skirt, cowboy boots, and a tight fitting top not unlike someone who just stepped off a ranch. Wearing such an outfit in the middle of Italy is sure to turn some heads but Jennipher has the integrity to play it off like she doesn’t notice a thing.
Like a graceful doe on cool misty morning she moves through the camera frame at her own pace, stopping just long enough to capture the perfect image. Her deep green eyes are a mesmerizing contrast against her olive toned skin and dark brown hair, giving her finely sculpted body a radiant appeal.
To say that Jennipher is exotic is a complete understatement and simply does not do justice to the word. No wonder she has her very own.
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