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一直以来,女性都被屈服于顺从的角色,如家庭主妇、伴侣、服务员。 妇女参政者不得不将自己置于马背下才能获得选票。在六十年代燃烧胸罩的解放时代,女性仍在争取平等,也许直到现在,她们才有信心拒绝斗争,做自己。对 Veronika 来说,裸体不是一种屈服的姿态,而是一种支配的行为:骄傲和任性。 相机镜头后眼睛的视觉指导我们如何阅读照片——正是这种主观性将摄影提升到美术的水平——但同样是拍摄对象的内心世界产生了令人难忘的图像。 Veronika 不仅在做模特时被拍照,她还在发起挑战:你和我一样勇敢吗?你能做我现在正在做的事吗?
Women throughout time have been subjugated into submissive roles, as housewives, companions, servers.
THE SUFFRAGETTES had to throw themselves under horses to get the vote. In the sixties era of bra-burning liberation, women were still fighting for equality, and it is perhaps only now that they are finding the confidence to reject the struggle and just be themselves. Nudity for Veronika isn't a gesture of submission, but an act of domination: of pride and self will.
It is the vision of the eye behind the camera lens that directs how we read a photograph - it is this subjectivity that raises photography to the level of fine art - but it is equally the inner world of the subject that results in memorable images.
Veronika is not merely being photographed when she models, she is throwing out a challenge: are you as brave as me? Can you do what I am doing now?
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