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年轻、害羞且性格脆弱的 Stella 与 Petter Hegre 的第一次会面几乎没有发生。 这是她第一次摆正面全裸。她在最后一刻差点退缩,但谢天谢地,她改变了主意,决定全力以赴! 为此,我们很感激,因为不可能不注意到她拥有年轻的 Bo Derek 或 Sharon Stone 的容貌! Stella 拥有可以想象到的最柔滑、最光滑的皮肤,是的,还有你看到的那些植入物,当 Petter 到达巴黎拍摄时,这让她感到非常惊讶。 Stella 喜欢聊天,可以整夜躺在床上用笔记本电脑。她还不确定自己想在生活中做什么。在巴黎期间,她要求只在麦当劳吃饭。这些布达佩斯女孩是怎么回事?! 甜美、性感、年轻 - Stella 值得一看!
Young, shy and with a fragile personality Stella’s first session with Petter Hegre very nearly didn’t happen.
This was to be her first time ever posing for full frontal nudes. She almost got cold feet at the very last minute but thankfully changed her mind and decided to jump in with both feet!
For this we are grateful, as it’s impossible not to notice that she has the look of a young Bo Derek or Sharon Stone! Stella has the silkiest and smoothest skin imaginable and yes those implants you see, which came as quite a surprise to Petter when she arrived for their shoot in Paris.
Stella loves to chat and can spend all night with her laptop in bed. She is not yet sure about what she wants to do in life. During her time in Paris she demanded to eat only at McDonalds. What is it with these Budapest girls?!
Sweet, sexy and youthful - Stella is one to watch!
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