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她能让你发笑;她能让你哭。她可以激励你,改变你。作为一名演员,玛琳娜有能力做所有这些事情,吸引你的注意力并触动你的情绪。 但是演员需要剧本。她最喜欢的剧作家是他们中的大师威廉·莎士比亚。她梦想着在世界主要剧院演出他的作品。 现年 21 岁的 Malena 很早就发现了对艺术的热情。但她在一个保守的耶和华见证人家庭中长大。因此,她在十几岁时叛逆,最终在基辅表演艺术大学学习。 母亲是乌克兰人,父亲是东俄罗斯人,玛莲娜天生拥有美丽的欧亚混血容貌和迷人的瓷质皮肤。 但你知道她最神奇的地方吗?她有一张专为表演而生的戏剧脸,所以她似乎总是要登上舞台。
She can make you laugh; she can make you cry. She can inspire you and change you. As an actor, Malena has the power to do all these things, to grab your attention and touch your emotions.
But an actor needs a script. Her favourite playwright is the master of them all, William Shakespeare. And she dreams about performing his work in the world’s major theatres.
Now 21 years old, Malena discovered an early passion for the arts. But she grew up in a conservative family of Jehovah Witnesses. So she rebelled in her teens, eventually studying at the University of Performing Arts in Kyiv.
With a Ukrainian mother and Eastern Russian father, Malena has been gifted a beautiful European-Asian look and stunning porcelain skin.
But you know the most magical thing about her? She has a theatrical face that’s just made for performing, so it seems like she’s always just about to go on stage.
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