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和克里斯塔一起在野外散步。她就是你所说的性感捣蛋鬼!雌性黑寡妇蜘蛛... 只看但不要触摸,因为这个美丽的女孩刚刚结婚。 Krista 丈夫在婚礼当天送给她的礼物充分体现了她不落俗套的天性。不是这个女孩通常戴的戒指; Krista 的丈夫送给他美丽的妻子的礼物是一枚金戒指,戒指被刺入她的阴蒂以纪念这一时刻! 克里斯塔在她的祖国俄罗斯被称为花花公子插页女孩,还在莫斯科表演舞蹈演员并进行火焰投掷。好吧,我们确实警告过你她有点狂野! 凭借她轻盈的体格、性感的美貌和私密的穿孔,Krista 是您母亲警告过您的那种女孩!
Take a walk on the wild side with Krista. She is what you might call a sexy troublemaker! A female black widow spider...
Only look but don't touch because this gorgeous girl just got married. Krista’s gift from her husband on their wedding day fully reflects her unconventional nature. Not the usual ring on the finger for this girl; Krista’s husband’s present to his beautiful wife was a gold ring pierced into her clitoris to mark the occasion!
Krista is known as playboy centerfold girl in her native Russia and also performs as dancer complete with flame throwing in Moscow. Well we did warn you that she was a bit wild!
With her lithe physique, sexy good looks and intimate piercing, Krista is the kind of girl your mother warned you about!
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