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这就是销售 iPod 的方法。 为他们不敢制作的 Apple iPod 广告做好准备。取而代之的是大学生的五颜六色的轮廓,你有维多利亚 R 的美丽形式。迷人的慢动作镜头和性感的结局,你会完全被催眠。 通过诱人地瞥见她的乳头(以及更多),她将以前所未有的方式取笑你。 我们非常确定,如果 Apple 使用我们的广告,他们会多售出数百万台 iPod。
This is how to sell an iPod.
Get ready for the Apple iPod advert they didn’t dare make. Instead of colourful silhouettes of college students, you have the beautiful form of Victoria R. With mesmerising slow motion shots and a sexy finale, you’re going to be totally hypnotised.
With tantalising glimpses of her nipples (and much more), she is going to tease you like never before.
We’re pretty sure if Apple had used our ad, they’d have sold millions more iPods.
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