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Strisha 是一个有秘密的女孩。当她独自在家,放着唱片,没有人在看时,她喜欢闭上眼睛,让音乐控制她的身体。 对我们来说幸运的是,Strisha 决定与 Petter Hegre 分享这个小秘密,Petter Hegre 立即说服她在电影中表演她性感的舞蹈,只是这一次有所不同;当然,她必须赤身裸体。 Strisha 尴尬地脸红了一会儿,咯咯地笑了一声,剩下的就是历史了。
Strisha is a girl with a secret. When she is home alone with a record on and no one is looking she likes to close her eyes and let the music take control of her body.
Fortunately for us, Strisha decided to share this little secret with Petter Hegre who promptly convinced her to perform her sensual dance on film only this time with a twist; naturally she had to do it naked.
Turning red with embarrassment for only a moment, Strisha let out a little giggle and the rest is history.
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