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库沙很可爱。 犹如一只从未见过自己倒影的小猫,镜子前的库夏对自己柔和起伏的曲线、女性的优雅、神圣的身体,既惊讶又略感满足。 她是一个成长为女人的女孩,女孩们的所有期望都被记录在了 Hegre 相机上舒适的肖像中。这是 Kusha 的处女作,私人的,私密的,令人赏心悦目的。
Kusha is cute.
Like a kitten that has never seen its reflection before, Kusha before the mirror seems surprised and just a little satisfied with her gently rolling curves, her feminine grace, her divine body.
She is a girl becoming a woman and all the expectations that girls have is captured in the cosy portrait on the Hegre camera. It is Kusha's début, personal, intimate, a joy to behold.
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