Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!

Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
ウクライナのカップル、ALEXA と ADAM がしばらく前にコロナ検疫に置かれたとき、この種の制限にも利点があることにすぐに気付きました:
Alexa と Adam の隔離時間を取り戻すチャンスです。彼らは明らかにそれを楽しんだ。
When Ukrainian couple ALEXA and ADAM were put in corona quarantine a while back they soon realised that this kind of restrictions have their benefits too:
“WHEN WE DISCOVERED that the quarantine could give us the space and the time we needed to rejuvenate our sexual relationship, the days passed in a frenzy of erotic joy! And filming our new born sexual appetite made the whole situation even more sexy and stimulating!”
Here’s your chance to recapture Alexa and Adam’s quarantine time. They clearly enjoyed it. And so will you.