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在伊维萨岛外的两个相邻岛屿——斯帕尔马多岛和福门特拉岛之间,有一条海峡,在条件好且潮汐低的时候可以步行穿过。该地区被称为“地中海的马尔代夫”,是该地区最热门的游艇停泊地之一。 Petter 就是在这里带来了 Francy。赤身裸体,在日落时分,在红旗警报期间,她巧妙地在令人惊叹的自然环境中航行——支撑在弹跳的船上,在清澈湛蓝的海水中游泳,在沙滩上打滚,在沙丘上腾跃。 正是这种“冒险遇上性感遇上天堂”,我们对 Hegre 的情色之旅充满期待。当您跟随 Francy 的一举一动时,您真的可以在舌头上品尝到咸水的味道,在您的皮肤上感受阳光。抓住你的脚蹼,我们走吧!
Between two neighboring islands off Ibiza – S’Espalmador and Formentera – lies a strait that can be crossed on foot when conditions are good and the tide is low. This area, known as the “Maldives of the Mediterranean,” is one of the hottest spots in the region to anchor your yacht.
And it’s here that Petter brought Francy. Naked, at sunset, during a red flag alert, she masterfully navigates her way through a stunning natural setting - propped atop a bouncing boat, swimming the clear blue waters, rolling in the sand, prancing across the dunes.
It’s this kind of “adventure meets sexy meets paradise” that we’ve come to expect from Hegre’s erotic voyages. You can literally taste the salt water on your tongue and feel the sun on your skin as you follow Francy’s every move. Grab your fins and let’s go!
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