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在陌生和不同的地方做爱对任何一对恩爱夫妻来说都是一种很好的催情剂。 Sali 和 Quin 也是如此: “摄影是我们日常生活的重要组成部分,我们喜欢寻找独特和不同的地点。这一次,我们邀请您在我们最特别的地点之一加入我们的幕后行列。” 这是一个你不能放弃的邀请......
Having sex in strange and different places can be a great aphrodisiac to any loving couple. And so it is for Sali and Quin:
“PHOTOGRAPHY FORMS a big part of our daily life and we love searching for locations that are unique and different. This time we invite you to join us behind the scenes at one of our most special spots."
And that's an invitation you can't let down...
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