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您对 Hegre.com 上的所有热门模特惊叹不已,但是这一切背后的男人呢……? 本周欣赏一部由他本人 Petter Hegre 主演的独家电影,他将讲述如何将这一切组合在一起。在墨西哥拍摄,这个引人入胜的深度采访揭示了这个拥有创建这个排名第一的裸体网站的远见卓识的人。 除了来自墨西哥制作的性感模特的坦率幕后剪辑,这是一个难得的机会来了解更多关于顶级裸体摄影师的生活。 成为 Petter 在墨西哥的独家拍摄的一部分并加入其中!
You’ve marvelled at all the hot models on Hegre.com but what about the man behind it all…?
This week enjoy an exclusive film featuring the man himself, Petter Hegre, as he talks about what it takes to put it all together. Shot in Mexico, this fascinating and in-depth interview reveals something of the man who had the vision to create this number 1 ranked nude website.
Along with candid, behind-the-scenes clips of the sexy models from the Mexico production, this is a rare chance to find out more about the life of a top nude photographer.
Be a part of Petter’s exclusive shoot in Mexico and join in the fun!
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