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没有什么比看着某人第一次体验令人惊奇的事情更令人愉快的了。但是当那个人是一个全裸的爱丽儿,那个东西是反重力瑜伽时,观察者也会有第一次,而快乐来自这个世界。 在离地面几英尺的地方旋转,爱丽儿正在享受她生命中的时光。她的笑容和笑声会让你开心。更不用说她在绳索上嬉戏时发现的所有暴露位置。也许是时候将她的名字从 Ariel 改为 Aerial 了? 这部电影可以在很多层面上欣赏。您可以尽情享受模特带来的愉悦,可以敬畏地凝视她性感的姿势,也可以摆脱束缚,随波逐流。但无论您如何去做,爱丽儿的启示都在等待着您。
There are few things as joyful as watching someone experience something amazing for the first time. But when that someone is an all-nude Ariel, and that something is anti-gravity yoga, the watcher gets to have a first-time too, and the joy is out of this world.
Twirling a few feet above the ground, Ariel is having the time of her life. Her smile and laughter will make your day. Not to mention all the revealing positions she finds as she frolics in the ropes. Perhaps it’s time to change her name from Ariel to Aerial?
This film can be enjoyed on so many levels. You can savor the model’s delight, you can stare in awe at her sensual poses, or you can get out your own ropes and swing along. But no matter how you do it, the enlightenment of Ariel awaits.
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