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当 Alya 走进一个房间时,转过几个头并不罕见。 她苗条的身材和白皙的皮肤一直是许多不值得的年轻男人渴望的对象,Alya 往往很高兴地享受这一事实。当 Petter Hegre 决定拍一部以 Alya 为主题的新电影时,她只是指着一张旧的红色椅子,坐在旧的毛茸茸的垫子上,直视着他的眼睛说:“拍完!” 在那一点上,除了记录一次电影之旅之外别无他法,Alya 修长匀称的身体其结果是纯粹的视觉享受。
It’s not uncommon for Alya to turn a few heads when she walks into a room.
Her slender body and light skin has been the object of desire for many undeserving young men, a fact Alya tends to relish in quite happily. When Petter Hegre decided to make a new film with Alya as the subject she simply pointed to an old red chair, sat down on its old fluffy cushion, looked him straight in the eye and said, “Film away!”
At that point there was nothing left to do but document a cinematic tour Alya’s long shapely body the results of which are pure visual pleasure.
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