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亚历克西娅在光之城的俱乐部里以流行歌星的身份使用她所有的能量。 当她回到她的小公寓时,她脱掉衣服,挂在地上放松一下。 这就是 Petter Hegre 抓住她的地方,在这部亲密的电影肖像中,您可以成为 Alexia 在厨房、沙发上和床上最私密时刻的偷窥者。
Alexia uses all her energy as a pop star singing in clubs in the City of Light.
When she comes home to her little apartment, she relaxes by taking off her clothes and just hanging.
That's where Petter Hegre caught her and you can be a voyeur following Alexia in her most private moments in the kitchen, on the sofa and in bed in this intimate film portrait.
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